Jumat, 20 Maret 2009


Pak Kumis
Oleh Dodi Prananda

Didekat rumahku ada seorang bapak tua yang bernama Pak Kumis. Kata orang-orang bapak kumis itu orangnya sangat benci terhadap anak kecil. Kalau ada anak kecil yang bertemu dengan Pak Kumis pasti anak itu akan menangis. Pak kumis pasti akan melototkan matanya dan menakut-nakutkan anak kecil itu degan kumis hitam lebatnya.
Aku sebenarnya takut dengan Pak Kumis. Melihat wajahnya yang amat menyeramkan, melihat kumisnya yang membuat anak-anak menjadi takut. Apalagi melihat rumahnya yang banyak debu, kecoak dan laba-laba. Pak kumis memang tidak suka bersih. Sehingga rumput-rumput dan ilalang yang tumbuh di depan rumahnya menjadi perlahan-lahan panjang hingga akhirnya menutup rumah Pak Kumis.
“Bu, kenapa Pak Kumis itu tidak pernah bicara dengan orang-orang di sekitar tempat tinggalnya?” tanyaku suatu hari pada Ibu.
“Siapa bilang? Pak kumis itu sebenarnya orang yang baik, Cuma orang-orang yang tinggal di sekitar tempat tinggal Pak Kumis itu saja yang menganggap Pak Kumis orang gila dan menakutkan,” balas Ibu.
Aku masih saja tidak percaya dengan perkataan ibu, kalau Pak Kumis memang orang baik kenapa semua teman-temanku takut kepadanya. Belum lagi anak-anak kecil yang menangis dan ketakutan ketika melihat Pak Kumis. Akh, aku sebaiknya menyelidiki bagaimana Pak Kumis sebenarnya.
Dan siang itu sepulang sekolah aku pulang dengan sangat tergesa-gesa. Aku berlari seperti orang ketakutan menuju rumah. Bukan Pak Kumis yang mengejarku, tapi aku tidak tahann ingin buang air kecil. Aku terus berlari-lari hingga akhirnya aku sampai di depan rumah Pak Kumis. Kulihat Pak Kumis berdiri di depan rumahnya. Sebenarnya aku tidak berani menegur Pak Kumis, tapi berhubung aku sudah tida tahan ingin buang air kecil terpaksa aku menggerakan mulutku untuk bicara.
“Pak, Pak Kumis, saya boleh tidak numpang buang air kecil di rumah Bapak!” ucapku tanpa pikir panjang. Kalau aku meneruskan berlari sampai ke rumah aku tidak tahan untuk buang air secepatnya.
Pak Kumis tidak menjawab. Sepertinya ia marah karena selama ini aku dan teman-teman yang lain sering mengejeknya dengan orang gila dan orang aneh. Aku menjadi takut, betul-betul sangat takut. Ingin rasanya aku kencing pada saat-saat ini. Apalagi ketika Pak Kumis mendekat kearahku. Ia menyentuh pundakku. Aku gemeter. Namun alangkah terkejutnya aku ketika sebelumnya aku membayangkan Pak Kumis akan memarahiku, ternyata tidak. Pak Kumis menggendongku dan membawaku masuk kedalam rumahnya. Dibawanya aku ke kamar mandinya. Lalu ia biarkan aku sendiri di kamar mandinya. Aku lega sekali ternyata Pak Kumis tidak seperti yang aku bayangkan, sungguh benar ucap ibu yang mengatakan bahwa Pak Kumis itu baik.
Setelah aku buang air kecil di kamar mandi Pak Kumis, aku segera mencari Pak Kumis. Rupanya ia sudah menunggu aku di ruang tamunya. Ia tampak ingin memperlihatkan sesuatu kepadaku. Benar, ia memperlihatkan padaku sebuah album yang ada foto istrinya dan anak Pak Kumis yang sudah meninggal. Aku turut sedih.
Sebelum aku melangkah untuk pulang Pak Kumis menitipkan sesuatu untuk ibuku. Satu kantong plastic buah jambu yang berwarna merah. Semenjak kejadian itu aku jadi sering mampir dan main ke rumah Pak Kumis. Teman-temanku jadi banyak yang bingung kenapa aku sekarang akrab dengan Pak Kumis. Tarandam, 2009
Penulis cerita anak Tinggal di Padang




My House is the best place for my self and my familiy. I think my house is so big and enjoyed place. It became my heaven and niece place. I live on a street called aspol Lolong. It is a beautiful street where each house seems to stand on it’s own little hill like royalty. There are trees literally everywhere. 50 is my house. It looks is the king of Heaven, you would know by just looking at it.

We have two double rooms, each with ample storage, colour television, radio, hairdryer, tea/coffee facilities, basket of local information and a luxury en-suite bathroom. These rates include full breakfast as required. Both rooms are en-suite and have colour TV and tea/coffee facilities.

Toucan Blue is a four bedroom beachfront house with large deck for outdoor living. It is decorated in fresh, lively colors of the Caribbean with photos of various Roatan scenes placed throughout the house. Ceiling fans and air conditioning are available in each room. While staying at Toucan Blue you can enjoy the options of TV, VCR/DVD, stereo/CD player with indoor/outdoor speakers, and wireless internet access. The emerald green bedroom also has a large picture window to greet each morning with a view of the sea and reef. It has a private bathroom with shower.

The sapphire blue fourth bedroom on the upper level is adjacent to the large ceramic tile covered deck with panoramic views of the sea and reef. It has a private bathroom with shower, tall ceilings and is surrounded by windows.

The Dining Room

The Dining Room,panelled in fir and modelled after the original Rattenbury-Maclure design, is used to host formal luncheons and dinners from 3 to 10 people. The focal point of the room is the dining room table and chairs, purchased in Scotland by former Lieutenant Governor Frank Mackenzie Ross and his wife, Mrs. Phyllis Ross(mother). The Ross’s donated the table and chairs to the House, along with the Jacobian sideboard also found in the Dining Room.

The kitchen

The bright, open main floor of the house has hardwood floors and tall ceilings. It features the living area, full kitchen, dining area, a half bath, and huge covered deck space. Views of the sea and barrier reef provide the picture perfect scene as you gaze out the windows or enjoy the scene from the deck. The kitchen is well equipped with stove, refrigerator with icemaker, microwave, cookware, dishes, and serving essentials.


The front coral colored bedroom has a large picture window facing the sea for a breathtaking view when awaking. A tiled bathroom with Jacuzzi tub and shower is located between two of the bedrooms. The purple bedroom shares a full bathroom with Jacuzzi on the lower level.

Living Room

The large deck is perfect for outdoor living and where you might spend most of your time. It's a great place to relax with morning coffee, and the barbeque grill brings cooking outdoors. It's also a perfect place to listen to the soft waves breaking against the reef and for star gazing at night.

Enjoyed room
I often dream about leaving this place and finding my own place to live. Like an apartment. It would be a crummy place, but it would be mine. It would have a T.V., a DVD player, a stereo system, and all of my books, comics, CDs, video games and my Gamecube, and my guitars. It would also have just some basic furniture like a table, a couch, some chairs, and my room with my bed in it. That would be very nice.

My sister’s room
My sister’s room is just as colorful if not more. The walls are purple and there are crazy chalk drawings on some of them. Her room is also decorated with strange little trinkets like little wooden boxes, incense burners, and her own artwork. I don’t real

The living room
The living room is the first room when entering the house. This room is filled with very lively furniture. Comfortable, tan leather couches, colorful rugs over the bare wood floor, and a large display case with pictures, books, and many memories of friends and family. And I mustn’t forget about the enormous window that, during the day, will let as much sunlight and energy in the room as it possibly can

The laundry room
The laundry room has a new full size washer and dryer for your use and convenience. A refreshing shower is located near the front entrance to wash off the sand and salt from the sea before entering the main rooms of the house.

My parent’s room
My parent’s room is right next to my sister’s room. There’s not much of anything good in there. A boring bed, a couple of dressers, a boring nightstand, and a boring closet is all that is in there. I don’t visit that room much either. Mainly for privacy. , That’s There’s, TV DVD, Gamecube DVD, There’s TV, stereo system, piece crap, that’s there’s, dvd player,